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Grandpa Retore's Yummy Brownies.(The greatest tasting brownies I'm sure you will have ever had. And in 5 easy steps you'll have the best brownies you've ever had!)

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Number of Servings: how ever many places you cut it.

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5 cups of Hersheys Cocoa
2 cups of Sugar
1 cup of Flour
1 egg
2/3 cup of Oil

Directions:  Step 1: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Mix together the cocoa, flour and sugar together until the mixture is totally brown, hence the cocoa. Step 2: In a seperate bowl mix together the egg, and the oil. Step 3: After the two mixtures are mixed, mix the two mixtures together until creamy. Step 4: Pour mixture into a pan. Step 5: Cook for 45 minutes on 375 degrees.

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Submitted By: Maya
Email/Web Site:
Original Source of Recipe: My Great-Great Grandpa
Date Submitted: 8/21/2005 8:20:19 PM


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