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Peach Ice Cream(Best homemade peach ice cream you ever tasted.)

Preparation Time: overnight + 1 hours
Number of Servings: 1 gallon
Calories Per Servings: you don't want to know
Nutrition Info: Very high fat, very high carbohydrates, very delicious. Peaches are good for you.

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2 cups sugar
4 eggs
3 pints heavy whipping cream
2 tblsp vanilla
6 or 7 very ripe peaches preferably from Chilton County

Directions:  The night before, peel peaches and slice into half at least, removing the pit. Pour all the sugar over top and mix. Let this mixture sit overnight in the refrig. The next morning pour into collendar to drain as much liquid as you can from the peaches. Reserve the peaches. In a large pan, heat the 3 pints of heavy cream and vanilla very slowly over very low heat. Mix the sugar from the peaches with the eggs and beat together until pale yellow. Temper the egg and sugar with the cream mixture then combine. Increase the heat just slightly until just before the slightest boil. Watch this very close and stir frequently. Once this mixture gets up to temperature again, remove from the heat and let cool before placing in the ice cream freezer. About 10 minutes from them end of the ice cream cycle add the reserved peaches until the freezer is full to the fill line.

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Submitted By: Kevin of Calera, AL
Email/Web Site:
Date Submitted: 8/6/2005 1:05:32 PM


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